Ride with me as I try and make sense of it all

Starting mid January, 2010, I will attempt to share with those who care to know, what it is that 'floats my boat'-'blows my hair back' and how i deal with the ups and the disappointments of it all. From my perspective as a middle-aged, divorced, now re-married father of two gorgeous girls, photographer and skeptic, living now, after 48 years in a foreign land.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DC Motor Show

As i expected the DC motor show was seriously lacking.
The US motor manufacturers had the lamest displays of outdated, old technology shite.
The best displays were the Japanese and eastern car companies showing off the latest hybrid technology, and a willingness to downsize vehicles without sacrificing style. Check out the fuel consumption on this Ford SUV!-looks like a barge too!