Ride with me as I try and make sense of it all

Starting mid January, 2010, I will attempt to share with those who care to know, what it is that 'floats my boat'-'blows my hair back' and how i deal with the ups and the disappointments of it all. From my perspective as a middle-aged, divorced, now re-married father of two gorgeous girls, photographer and skeptic, living now, after 48 years in a foreign land.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Corporate Functions are not that simple to shoot!

I've had a request to send some images from corporate functions that i've shot in the past. I poured over thousands of images from golf days to xmas parties, launches, team building week-ends-you name it! These images seem straight forward, but require a sense of timing and an intimate understanding of the workings of your camera. The goal posts are constantly shifting, and decisions have to be made in a hurry to get the shot. These are just a few-perhaps not even the best, but each image has a story, both personal and technical.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November Bike is a cool deal

Shot the built-up November bike for the website this morning. You've gotta see this baby under the lights-it's sweet! Perve away!
Tech details of the shoot: 3 Studio flash heads in  large strip softboxes as accent lights down the sides of the bike and above, and 1 head in a small square softbox as main light off to the right of camera. The accent lights are around 2 stops below the main light's intensity, since they can be seen in the gloss surface of the bike, and will blow out if they are too strong.
A second shot was done with a huge reflector on the ground in front of the bike. The 2 shots were combined in photoshop with some of the soft reflections brushed through a mask in layers.