Ride with me as I try and make sense of it all

Starting mid January, 2010, I will attempt to share with those who care to know, what it is that 'floats my boat'-'blows my hair back' and how i deal with the ups and the disappointments of it all. From my perspective as a middle-aged, divorced, now re-married father of two gorgeous girls, photographer and skeptic, living now, after 48 years in a foreign land.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I need some inspiration!

Ok, so I'm bored-what will pull me out of this state.
Pick up the camera-walk to the creek, take some inspiring macro pics, preferably of colourful insect life or the likes-bloody hell-it's mid winter on the east coast of the USA-everything's either dead or almost dead!
so here are dead things!

Was sent this photo by a girl who was at school with me 30 years ago (that's me second from the right)-i was about 16 or 17 at the time-boy did we think we were the coolest!
That's Lance Crystal on the left-haven't seen him since 1979, then one phone call, and hey-he lives 30 minutes away from me here in DC!-meeting him for breakfast in 2 days time, and gonna catch up-go figure. Chris Ashman-my 'best pal' since age 6-lost him to his life experimenting with the world and it's mind altering offerings-still the nicest guy you'll ever meet-just confused (aren't we all) That's me third from left, and Scott Pettygrove, on the right, came to South Africa from the US for 2 or 3 years with his family in the mid seventies and ended up a schoolmate. Nice guy-his mom made the best polony and mustard salmies-turns out he too lives here close by in Virginia, and we're gonna hook up in 2 weeks! Pretty cool-I love 'catching up'-' "were your last 30 years as crazy/sad/adventurous/lonely/happy/wild/stoned as mine were?", or was I in another world?
I got loads of questions-looking for answers-not finding a lot of help here in the US, but then, it's still early days.